![nti splint](https://ntiomnisplint.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Feature-Image-1.png)
- Covers both arches
- Reduces clenching forces by approximately 70%
- Cleared by the FDA for the prevention of migraine and tension-type headaches
The Migraine Relief Your Patients
Have Been Waiting For
The new NTI OmniSplint minimizes clenching and bruxing intensity through a full-arch design. By covering both arches, the NTI OmniSplint provides patients with a comfortable solution for their migraines or tension headaches while eliminating all concerns of aspiration, supereruption of the posterior teeth, or long-term use.
The NTI-tss Plus® (Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Tension Suppression System) also serves as a drug-free alternative treatment to migraine pain. With over 30 million people in the U.S. suffering from migraines, dental clinicians have an opportunity to help their patients get out of pain.1 The device has been cleared by the FDA for the prevention of migraine and tension-type headaches and has been shown to reduce clenching forces by approximately 70%. In one study, 82% of migraine sufferers experienced a 77% reduction in migraine events when using the NTI-tss Plus.2
NTI devices are especially valuable for patients who are pregnant or nursing, or those with medical complications who cannot accept pharmacological migraine treatments. Patient diagnosis and acceptance starts with a simple survey for those who experience possible symptoms of tension headaches, migraines, TMD, tooth wear from clenching, or muscle pain associated with parafunction.
NTI OmniSplint is a registered trademark of James Boyd. NTI-tss Plus is a registered trademark of Boyd Research, Inc.
![nti night guard glidewell](https://ntiomnisplint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/GL-2230751-02-1024x389.png)
Reduces Clenching and Migraine Frequency
The NTI-tss Plus and the NTI OmniSplint have been shown to reduce clenching forces by approximately 70%. When wearing the NTI-tss Plus regularly, 82% of migraine sufferers experienced a 77% reduction in migraine events.3High Success Rate
Users report a high degree of success with the appliance for treatment of orofacial pain.4 Additionally, prescribers use the device for both pain control and protection of teeth and restorations.![glidewell nti](https://ntiomnisplint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/GL-2230751-06_Success_Rate_Joint_Pain-1024x389.jpg)
![nti appliance glidewell](https://ntiomnisplint.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/GL-2230751-03_Pain-1024x389.jpg)
Alternative to Pharmacological Treatment
After using the NTI, wearers reported the same reduced pain level as individuals who used a common migraine medication, Depakote®.5 The benefit of prescribing an NTI over a pharmacological treatment is the device’s lack of harmful side effects that may manifest in patients taking prescription medications. Depakote is a registered trademark of Sanofi Corporation.Prescribing an NTI device for your patient is more than just offering a trusted solution to their problems — it’s about securing a patient for life. When you relieve someone of their chronic migraine pain, you dramatically transform their life for the better, and that’s something every dentist should want to be a part of.
– Dr. James Boyd (Creator of the NTI-ss Plus and the NTI OmniSplint)
NTI-tss Plus
NTI Omnisplint
Ensure an accurate, void-free impression is captured for both arches. To provide a precise fit for the patient, check to make sure the impression material is free of tears or bubbles. Verify midline position and bite by instructing the patient to close into centric relation. Place two cotton rolls behind the cuspids and instruct patient to close their mouth. While the patient is in open bite, inject bite registration into the posterior openings of both quadrants. Also, inject bite registration into anterior opening to capture a complete open construction bite. Once the impression has been taken, immediate pour-up with a hard die stone is recommended.
1. Migraine Research Foundation. (2021, January 15). Migraine Facts. Migraine Research Foundation. migraineresearchfoundation.org/about-migraine/migraine-facts/
2. Shankland WE 2nd. Migraine and tension-type headache reduction through pericranial muscular suppression: a preliminary report. Cranio. 2001;19(4):269-278.
3. Shankland WE 2nd. Migraine and tension-type headache reduction through pericranial muscular suppression: a preliminary report. Cranio. 2001;19(4):269-278.
4. Blumenfeld, Andrew, et al. “Patterns of Use for an Enhanced Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibitory Splint.” Inside Dentistry, Aegis Dental Network, 1 Dec. 2011, www.aegisdentalnetwork.com/id/2011/12/patterns-of-use-for-an-enhanced-nociceptive-trigeminal-inhibitory-splint.
5. Blumenfeld, A., MD, Tarzemany, R., DDS, & Beladimoghaddam, N., MD. (2011). Combination Therapy: Depakote with an NTI Clenching Reduction Dental Splint for Prophylactic Treatment of Primary Headache; A Pilot Study for Efficacy Assessment. Retrieved from squarespace.com.